Call For Proposals


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New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents
ISSN: 0077-8842
This book series promotes the publication of primary sources, reference tools, and critical studies that advance the understanding of the New Testament and other early Christian writings and writers into the fourth century.
Volumes published in New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents examine the textual history and transmission of the New Testament and related literatures, relevant manuscripts in various languages, and methodologies for research in early Christianity as well as a broader range of studies pertinent to early Christianity and its writings.
The series welcomes proposals for monographs based on recent original research (whether involving ancient and medieval manuscripts, archival work, historical investigation, bibliographical research, and/or methodological advancements) into early Christian writings. Outstanding edited volumes that address these topics are occasionally published.
All proposals must contain an overview of the work, a description of its contribution to existing scholarship, and its role as an authoritative resource for scholars in the field. Proposals should also contain an estimated word count. Manuscripts typically range from 80,000 to 120,000 words, but can be longer depending on the topic and nature of the individual submission.
Proposals should be sent to the series editors:
Jennifer Knust, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA:
Tommy Wasserman, Ansgar University College, Kristiansand, Norway:
For more information, please contact Brill’s Senior Acquisitions Editor for Biblical Studies, Laura Morris: