Free Access Articles – 50 Years Exchange

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Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context
Editors-in-Chief: Martha Frederiks
and Lucien van Liere
During these fifty years, our journal has often addressed topics from the margins of the big stories. Young scholars have published their first articles in Exchange and would become great thinkers, while more established scholars have found Exchange to share their ideas with a global audience. In the meantime, Exchange has become a high-ranking peer-reviewed journal that finds its way to libraries worldwide.
It is in this spirit of sharing and exchanging ideas, that Exchange has chosen to mark its 50th anniversary by providing free access to a selection of articles from the past decades. Our editors’ choice illustrates the wide range of topics that were discussed in Exchange and is simultaneously intended as tribute to the hundreds of scholars who have contributed to the journal over the last fifty years.
We hope you will enjoy reading our jubilee anthology.
Editors-in-Chief, Martha Frederiks and Lucien van Liere
“Everywhere in the world there is exchange – exchange of money, of goods, of thoughts, of experience. Our focus is exchange of literature (…). And in this exchange of literature we want to involve especially the Third World Literature, often too little known and too little taken into account and quoted in western thinking.”

These were the opening sentences of the very first issue of Exchange, now exactly fifty years ago. Over the years, the vocabulary has changed, but the sentiment and mission has remained the same: Exchange wants to offer a platform to scholars from around the world to share research and exchange ideas.