Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology Online

This online E-book collection brings together 22 volumes of the renowned series Dutch Monographs in Ancient History and contains all monographs that were originally published in the Gieben series, between 1985 to 2002, except for volume 15. Topics range from water supply in ancient Rome to ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt to shorthand writers in the Roman empire.

Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology Online

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An Emperor at the Crossroads

O. Hekster
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 23

The Water Supply of Ancient Rome
City Area, Water, and Population

G. de Kleijn
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 22


ISBN: 9789004529809
The Mills-Bakeries of Ostia
Description and Interpretation

Edited by Jan Theo Bakker
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 21

Hunger and the Sword
Warfare and Food Supply in Roman Republican Wars (264 - 30 BC)

Paul Erdkamp
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 20
Twilight of Empire
The Roman Army from the Reign of Diocletian until the Battle of Adrianople

Martijn Nicasie
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 19
Constructing Messapian Landscapes
Settlement Dynamics, Social Organization and Culture Contact in the Margins of Graeco-Roman Italy

Gert-Jan Burgers
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 18
Studies on Ancient History and Epigraphy presented to H.W. Pleket

Johan Strubbe
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 16
The Civic World of Professional Associations in the Roman East
Onno M. van Nijf
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 17
Work in Ancient and Medieval Thought
Ancient Philosophers, Medieval Monks and Theologians and their Concept of Work, Occupations and Technology

B. van de Hoven
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 14
The Limits of Participation
Women and Civic Life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods

R. Bremen
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 15
Power, Paideia & Pythagoreanism
Greek Identity, Conceptions of the Relationship between Philosophers and Monarchs and Political Ideas in Philostratus’ Life of Apollonius

Jan-Jaap Flinterman
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 13

Living and Working with the Gods
Studies of Evidence for Private Religion and its Material Environment in the City of Ostia (100-500 AD)

J.T. Bakker
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 12
Fairs and Markets in the Roman Empire
Economic and Social Aspects of Periodic Trade in a Pre-Industrial Society

Luuk de Ligt
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 11
De Agricultura
In Memoriam Pieter Willem de Neeve

Edited by Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 10
Status Warriors
War, Violence and Society in Homer and History

Hans van Wees
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 9
Ancient Youth
The ambiguity of youth and the absence of adolescence in Greco-Roman society

M. Kleijwegt
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 8

Aedificiorum figurae
Untersuchungen zu den Architekturdarstellungen des frühen zweiten Stils

Rolf Dr. Tybout
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 7
Konsuln und Konsulare in der Zeit von Commodus bis Severus Alexander (180-235 n. Chr.)
Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Elite im römischen Kaiserreich
P.M.M. Leunissen
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 6
Ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt
Koen Goudriaan
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 5
The Economy and Society of Pompeii
Willem Jongman
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 4
Popular Leadership and Collective Behavior in the Late Roman Republic (ca. 80 - 50 B.C.)
Paul J.J. Vanderbroeck
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 3
The Bronze Liver of Piacenza
Analysis of a Polytheistic Structure

van der Meer
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 2
Notarii and exceptores
An inquiry into role and significance of shorthand writers in the Imperial and ecclesiastical bureaucracy of the Roman Empire (from the Early Principate to c. 450 A.D.)

Hans C. Teitler
Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 1